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The Works I / The Works II / The Works III


Thor of Tacoma, Washington specializes in people, most often in fantasy adventure settings. His idols are Boris, Frazetta, and Kelly, but most of what he draws is of his own creation out of a fictional Sword and Sorcery world he's created. Thor uses Paint Shop Pro v.3.11

Sheri's Animations

Sheri is interested in graphics, poetry, and sketching, She uses Paintshop Pro 4.1 and Gifcon to do most of Her animations and graphics.

Dale's Graphics

If not organizing cyberartists or assigning cybertasks, Dale is expanding his sense of TrueSpace, Altaimira Composer, and Corel Photopaint (enhanced with Kai's Tools and Gallery Effects, naturally) between Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio.

Barbara Glebska's Harrow Art Gallery

This site is shared by Barbara & Petras of Harrow, England. Barbara is the real artist and does mainly animals. They start as photos or acrylic paintings and then get hit by Adobe Photoshop 4 & Kai's Tools. Petras just messes digitally & also does the Java applets & Generative Music.

Scooter's Place

Shelly Ross of Kent, Ohio has only been into this for about 9 months, in that time she's tried all kinds of software, but primarily use PSP, Photoshop, Kai's, Image Composer, ALien Skins, and have recently decided to try my hand at 3D rendering with Bryce2.

The NomadCyberQueen

Mary Broussard is an artist who paints with oils, watercolors, and acrylic media. She has displayed her paintings in various art shows in California, Miami and at the Florida State Fair Exhibits. Mary uses PhotoImpact, PhotoShop, Corel PhotoPaint and FractalÆs Dabbler, with a graphics tablet. She also uses Arts and Letters Express for drawing vector graphics.

Kids's Page

Clara is 12 years old and enjoy the computer,she is on Internet since one year and she started building her page in March 1996.She uses several graphism programm such as: Kid Pix Studio,Kudo CLipart,Paintbrush,LView pro and Gif COnstruction set.

Design Originals

Linda, of Barstow, California, is a military wife with a love for graphics, computers and design as well as many crafts. My software of choice is Photoshop 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 4.1, and CorelDraw. In that order. :)

Military wife with a love for graphics, computers and design as well as many crafts. My software of choice is Photoshop 4.0, Paint Shop Pro 4.1, and CorelDraw. In that order. :)

Media Link's Home / Freebies / Featured Media Link Artist

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